Saturday, December 3, 2011 fave!

I first fell in love with Crepe when I was in Germany. After office, I would go to Christmas Market to buy one (and sometimes two). I love Nutella Crepe...just plain and simple Crepe with Nutella, no strawberries or anything...Just Nutella and it's really to die for. They sell it at EUR 3.00 per servings.

But I must admit, the yummiest was from Mannheim. They are serving it with crispy wafer. It's hot and it's just so perfect with the cold weather. Afterwards, I have never tasted a crepe at par to that of Mannheim's. I could say, it's simply the best crepe ever!

Waffles at the street.

Generous pieces of belgian waffles are being sold at the chocolate street in Brussels...with Nutella, with creams, with strawberries or bananas...yummy to look at and even to nibble. By the looks of it...i already got full. It is just fascinating to see that they could really be sold outside the window and at the side of streets.

Once in a Chocolate Street...

Definitely going gaga with all those chocolates. It was like a chocolate village where every turns I made, all I could see were chocolates. I felt like a child. I got confused which one to pick.

In every store you'll get a generous free taste of chocolates of all sort...pralines, truffles, milk chocolates, dark chocolates...and the likes. By the time I moved to the second store, I could no longer figure out the difference. It was as if my taste buds waived its privilege.

Below is where I bought all my pralines and truffles for my family and friends. I got them at a promo price. :))

Below is a picture of a huge chocolate mannequin...i almost wanted to bite it haha!! :))

As they say, Chocolates are natural anti-depressant. It has serotonin which stimulates endorphin production, which creates feelings of happiness and pleasure. Making chocolate in the mouth produces feelings of pleasure longer than passionate kissing. And so I wonder how the people in Belgium feel everyday haha!! :) I guess, they must be very Happy! :))