Monday, October 29, 2012

The opposite of disclosure come the music lost its lyrics and the rhythm suddenly became out of tune? you confused yourself with missing the smile or missing the presence or missing the idea...that never really occurred. It's a concept you formed because somehow it gives you hope to hold on and go on. But how come as the hands of clock move on, the concept fades away and something unexpected grows? Could it be? Well maybe not...but for whatever it cause, you know it is better be somewhere where no one will ever bother to know. It's better off that way. Just like an episode of a refreshing know that while you can enjoy it...somehow in the middle or before its will wake up; Rise up and you alone can refer back. You move forward as if nothing happened. You kill the idea before it becomes a reality. You can not run with only one always takes two. Possible but complicated.

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