Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It was past 11pm when my friend based in Singapore
found a place where I could stay, since my friend who's supposed to go with me backed out.
So I was packing my things until 3am in the morning. That was the first time I packed a very light luggage, coz I didn't intend to check in any bags at all.
Though, it wasn't my first time to take the plane alone (as did that lot of times in the past so I was kinda confident and enjoying the flight), it was my first time to explore another country all by myself.
At 5pm, I touched down Changi airport...that was after few minutes rechecking of my bag by the immigration officers..because they're seeing something from their device....only to find out it was just a ref magnet from China given to me by a friend which I just put inside my pouch and apparently forgot about it.

The place was a small room in a small residential unit in Tampines St. In a room there were 3 double decks, all occupants were filipino ladies working in Singapore and some were looking for jobs at that time.
Since I didn't have the means to afford hotel I took the space. Luckily, my roommates were all kind, not to mention the owner (Auntie Suzie) as well.

First Day:

I met up with my college batchmate, Judy. I took the metro going to Tanjong pagar where Judy resides.

There's this food outlet very famous in Singapore that caters very affordable price but good food --Hawkers.

It was my first time to try Sing's local food for a cheap price of 2 sgd. Well that's my first and last cheap meal.

We went to holland village area, central, Clark quay, Merlion's, Marina Bay, Chimes etc...and had coffee at Starbucks courtesy of Judy.
The funny thing was that i forgot to bring a camera. So I had to bear with the resolution of my phone...plus the fact that it was running out of battery that time! This was all because I chose to bring my laptop, my itouch and my books!!!!

On my way home I met few filipinos who were also roaming around. So we exchanged contacts, in case I wanted to join them the next day.
I reached the unit around past 11pm. I took the mrt then cab.

Second Day:

I woke up past 9am with achy bone, maybe because I got tried from walking with my heavy big bag.
I had a short chitchats with the ladies and free coffee in the morning.
I took the bus this time going to mrt.
Singapore is very much like Philippines, because of the weather. But I must admit that (in my opinion) it's a lot cleaner and more safe (in terms of crimes...like theft and the like).
I appreciate and admire their transportation system. It is very much European (same thing I like much about the European countries I was blessed to visit).
One thing I've noticed in their MRT, is that they have this glass door that serves as a wall. Impressive because they dont need to remind passengers to stay away from the yellow tiles, for instance in our country, for safety....because they already secured the safety to begin with. The glass wall has sliding doors that opens only once the train door opens. So it's really very safe.

Singapore is an open country so you could really see alot of nationalities there, Malays, Indians, Filipinos, Chinese, Western and (even) European tourist...apart from the Singaporean Nationals.

I had my lunch at Bugis Mall...all because I was starving already and I have no patience to explore for some restaurant so I just thought of stopping over the nearest mall I could see.

When i gathered my strength, I went to the Mall near Intercon....then Bugis Market. The latter was like Philippines' "Quiapo or Divisoria or Binondo"...and since I'm always fascinated with anything oriental/chinese this caused me huge smile...and I guess my feet were happy too.
I bought jelly watches and foods for pasalubongs...I bought Metallic plate souveniers to add in my travel collections.
There were so many Durians in Bugis...I was having this feeling that it stuck in my skin.
They have this tricycle that looks like ancient times chinese carriage...oh I love it! I even asked the driver to take a picture of me. I found out later that the driver was a Cebuano.
Then I walked further, trying to look for preserved foods for pasalubong when I saw the way to the temple. There's this big Buddha outside before getting the vicinity of the temple...so I asked passer by to take a picture of me.
As I explore further I've noticed that infront the Buddhist's temple there were lots of fortune tellers. I chose the two Indian ladies at the side of the temple...
Indians are Hindus so it got my curiousity how they perform fortune telling....plus the fact that a week before I went to Singapore I had a weird dream that I was in India and having fortune telling with Indian ladies.
They have a bird with them...looks like a parrot, that will choose a card for you. They will pray with insense and let the smoke go to you. (So imagine how I smell that day...Durian plus Market odor...plus the odor from the passengers in mrt...then insense.)
The Indian lady will read the message and the other Indian lady will interpret or translate it in english.
For 3 sgd i had a very positive and motivating reading.
I didnt have the chance to go further inside the temple because the security saw me taking pictures...he said it's not allowed.

I didnt want to waste time so I really told myself that I would utilize it...so hello Harborfront! :)
On my way to Harborfront I met two filipino nurses who coincidentally would also go to the Sentosa beach. So I joined them....few chitchats and pictures.
I left earlier because I wanted to go to Universal Studios as well...given that I have very few hours left before I met up with my commitment.
I managed to have lots of pictures by asking passersby.

Thereafter, I went to Orchard to meet up with Judy and Jen. Im thankful that they took the time to be with me despite their busy schedules.
We went to Marina Bay and had our dinner.

Second day, it feels like I've been there for such a long time since I've already memorized the stations. Singapore is a small country so I had no difficulty in doing so.

Third Day/Last Day:

I went to China Town. I met this lady while I was having my lunch...Madame Monika. I asked her where's the chinese fortune teller, she was blunt in saying "Dont believe in fortune telling, believe in yourself." Sounds like not so Asian...i told myself.
She's a Singaporean but based in Germany. After exchanges of thoughts and personal background..I found myself a friend. She gave me her contacts. We had picture together...and upto now we still drop messages.
I love Singapore's chinatown...I love the people there...and the goods were the cheapest.
I went to Hindu Temple...and took picture with Indian nationals.

I met up with my friend Ting after at the Riverside. We had dinner together and drinks after at Cafe Iguana.

My flight was at 1am...and i reached the unit at 12:30am. I was really rushing! I couldnt afford to miss the flight.
Good thing I was even earlier. I took a cab.

Straight from the airport I went straight ahead to the school....with thoughts to myself.."I should travel more!"

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