Monday, October 29, 2012

The opposite of disclosure come the music lost its lyrics and the rhythm suddenly became out of tune? you confused yourself with missing the smile or missing the presence or missing the idea...that never really occurred. It's a concept you formed because somehow it gives you hope to hold on and go on. But how come as the hands of clock move on, the concept fades away and something unexpected grows? Could it be? Well maybe not...but for whatever it cause, you know it is better be somewhere where no one will ever bother to know. It's better off that way. Just like an episode of a refreshing know that while you can enjoy it...somehow in the middle or before its will wake up; Rise up and you alone can refer back. You move forward as if nothing happened. You kill the idea before it becomes a reality. You can not run with only one always takes two. Possible but complicated.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Map Bag

Happy to find a similar Map Bag..... (this photo was just taken from google).

Another best buy. I am happy I got it. Thanks to my Nanay! :))

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rush booking

After 2 decades, I was able to visit Mindanao again.

This is where my father grew up and where most of my relatives are residing...particularly in Plaridel, Misamis Occidental.

I have always have good memories of Mindanao. The smell of fresh air with mixed scents of copra. The smell of flowers and marang and durian. The mountains, green fields and the countless coconut trees. It's just that we hadnt had the time and budget to visit.... Well, until last Saturday 8/18/2012. We had to book immediately because of the changes in the date of my uncle Vicvic internment. I, on the other hand had to go back to Manila the morning after.

Soon as we touched down Ozamiz airport I smelled the distinct odor....yes! It's calachuchi flower. I smelled fresh air.

The rest was just awesome scenery.

I am going back next time for a vacation with my family. There's much to see. :)

Speaking out of....

Thursday, August 9, 2012


"Bite me when Im looking not when Im not."

It is a hard and sad reality that it is so fatal to trust people around you, nowadays.
It's hard to know who is nice in front of you and who remain as such the moment you turn your back. But yes, nice and good are of different terms to begin with. It takes sincerity to be good.

Conversely, do not regret ever trusting people and giving them your 100% trust only to find out later they are stabbing your back. Ask yourself "Are they really happy resorting to that?".

It is frustrating but at the same time look at it as a relief. Relief in the sense that at least now you know who to keep and who to avoid, going forward. Good riddance as you do not need negative energies in your journey. Life is so short, choose to travel light. Choose to travel happy.
Do not descend to their preferred level. No, do not fight their way. Just reserve your energy to some [other] things of importance and relevance. Wish them peace. For all you know these are the people who are going through some difficult times accepting themselves; who they really are and who they want to be..and how to achieve that. Pity them instead and pray that they find serenity.
Focus your attention on the good things and good people. Remember, no one can ever put a good person down. Oh well, anyone can try....but will never achieve.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's really fascinating how two people find each other amidst the number of human being in this world.

Is there a map that they used to finally find the one? Well, I hope that's how easy it is..

God must have been preparing the person...

or maybe it is me who's being prepared by God for that someone.

I have no idea.

But one thing is for sure...there is one right person meant for me.

No matter how matter how near...wherever we are right now...the maps in our hearts will connect our paths...

In God's perfect time......we will find each other. :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Midterm fever

Got to catch up seriously.

Here I am at starbucks near my dorm.
There's no other way but to pass with flying colors. I should. I will. And I am nailing it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

They say a person always has a one great love whom he/she doesn't end up with and then marry another love...the one he/she chooses to be with for the rest of his/her life.

One day, I shall marry my one great love...the one I choose to be with for the rest of my life.


Waiting for the Tram (the background looks like a ghost town...I know).

This is what I love about Frankfurt. I love their means of transportation. I love the trains/tram. It arrives on time. It's fast. It's clean and not crowded. It's so convenient.

There's no traffic.


The World Trade Organization, Geneva Switzerland

Let's see where fate will bring me.... At present, it is a dream so far from reality...once I got my first dream to come true....this will be just a step easy. #bepositive

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh I love Calaguas

Need not to say anything more...

It's really a paradise in Calaguas Island.

Skim Boarding with Leigh

This was taken at Calaguas Island.
This was my first try of skim boarding. I think I like it more than surfing as I am afraid of waves...moreso big waves.

See the sand? It feels like talc.


Yeah.. It's really hot in there hehe

This was taken at Coron.. Forgive me Palawan for forgetting the name of the Hotspring.

For a beautiful, solemn and private scenery... It's only Php100.00.... Yeah that's the perk of having hidden treasures in our country.

Snorkeling at Coron

That's Leigh, my former officemate and one of my dear friends.

This was taken at Coron, Palawan. I forgot the name of this island but we stopped here for some snorkeling activity.

Fascinating under the sea creatures. It will always be a good nature memory.

San Agustin Musee

Yes it's Manila and you are not mistaken.

It's something we have close to Europe. The baroque architecture of the church can not deny the European influence in our country and in our history.

Spanish Christmas Concert

These photos were taken in December 2011 at San Agustin Church, Intramuros Manila.

I attended a Spanish Christmas Concert together with my law school friend, Ohnat.

Before the concert we visited the church's museum. I am really amazed on how beautiful this church is. One day, I will get married in this church.

Intramuros is really one of the best places in Manila. I must say, one of my favorites along with Vigan, Ilocos.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'll cross the rail when we get there...

This was taken the morning after I arrived at Tope and Cacai's house in Vienna, Austria.

We were off to see the amusement park.

Reunited with a friend, the child in me just came out.

The train was in real motion when I suddenly paused and posed for a pic.

I couldnt remember whether I got a scream.

I was so elated then, if I did get...I probably shrugged it off or laughed it out.

Wedding at Belgium

Here's a photo with the guard in his traditional uniform.

This was taken at the side of Grand Platz.

Just before this photo was taken I witnessed a traditional wedding....also in this place.

I hope that was a good sign. :)

Glowing in the dark

I wanted to see this at day but we arrived late in the afternoon.
Few minutes soon, the night fell.

The colesseo was glowing in the dark. It was quite eerie, I must admit.
It was historical.
It says so much of the advance civilization Rome had back then.
Geniously preserved.

St. Petersburg Cathedral

The Vatican City, Rome Italy.

I never really thought that one day I will walk at the cobbled stones of Vatican City...that I would wish, kneel and pray inside the huge Cathedral at the background of this pic.

If you would just take a little closer at the pic you'd see that it's as if I was at lost in the world. Probably because I could not contain my emotion.

Being in Rome...seeing those churches/ cathedrals, I really feel so extremely blessed.

It was something I didnt ask...but it was given.

I will forever be grateful for this experience.

Louvre Musee

To this time, I could not find a word to describe exactly how I felt when I first saw Louvre...

It was as if I was in a long dream.

I could not believe.

It so hard to believe it was happening.

It will always be a sweet memory.

Paris is really a dream come true.

Paris is love without pain.

It is simply sweet, sophisticated, elegant and fascinating.

Terminal Stress

The first stress arrived at the terminal. My friend, Marlon, and I just backpacked and had no hotel reservations whatsoever.

Time was running fast! But you could hardly see that in this photo. All dolled up and at the mood for photo shoot...

That time I was really dog tired. We came all over from Brussels. My feet were swelling and having cramps. My hands and knees were a grandma.

It was as if we were amazing race participants, running here and there looking for a place to stay in..

The sooner the better! Every minute counts. Paris was indeed expensive.

We only have limited time to roam and we wanted to save it for Eiffel Tower.

We ended up at Hotel de Milan.
EUR 90.00 per night

Silence Kills

I'd rather know what's in your mind...
Than to guess
I'd rather know the truth and get hurt
Than to guess
I'd rather know what's in your heart
Do I have a place?
Tell me straight...
Don't hide
Atleast be a man to let me know...
Why suddenly you're gone........

I really wanna know...


I am starting to be a fan....

Invading MBS

These photos were taken from 3 different lowbatt cameras.

It was enough funny that I left my camera in Manila. But to have two friends based in Singapore brought their own cameras to save my night, however, lowbatt was a real laugh out loud. So our photos were literally limited. To note, some were red-eyed. Hehehe.

Lesson learned. When travelling, camera is like a first aid to a girl scout.

Heidelberg Castle

These pictures were taken at Heidelberg Castle.

I wasn't really supposed to take this trip. I had to forego my Amsterdam, Luxembourg and Netherlands tickets as I have no company to join me (of course I regret it after a year).
I ended up joining an officemate who was gonna meet her friend from London. It just so happened that her friend was also an ex-colleague from the bank.
I do not regret that I joined them, instead.
It was actually my pleasure..and a good gesture on their part.

I gained myself a friend after that trip. Every second was fun. We all clicked. It made Europe all the more memorable. :)

31st Birthday

This was taken hours before my birthday celebration.... The rest was history after that night.

Dont ask why... I have not been recovered. I mean fully..

A day at Junghofstrasse

This was taken at Junghofstrasse, Frankfurt Germany with a monumental background.....ahmmm not the statue... I mean the office.

It's so vintage, right? :)

First day at Romer

This was taken during my first day at Frankfurt. Literally first day because I arrived around past 7pm.... And Frankfurt around that time was all dim and a ghost town.

It was my first attraction.... I fell inlove with Frankfurt afterwards. :)

At Willy Brandt Platz

This photo was taken at Willy Brandt Platz.

One freezing night...on my way home. Cursing the weather. I almost bleed. The coldness cuts like a blade. Brrrrrr

I realized I look like a terrorist in this pic.. :)

Jerico & Pearl's Wedding at Bali Village, Tagaytay

" will be God's will when two people meet each other. It is God's will when they fall in love with each other. A marriage itself is a God's will. " ~ not the verbatim but just the gist of the priest's sermon.

These photos were taken from their wedding. A simple, solemn and elegant wedding. I was so inspired that i wanted to get married when i went home.