Friday, March 25, 2011

4days and 4months...

Towards way home, I thought of getting my books from the dorm...and so I took my chance and asked the driver if I could drop by the old apartment as I had to pick up my stuffs...and that it would only take few minutes. He said it was fine. There's a guard (sleeping outside the building)..hmmm...something new as we dont had it until first quarter of this year due to some hold-uping incidents. And there was 'manong guard' interrogating me...I was patient, though Im kinda tired and all I wanted to do was to run upstairs and get whatever books I could take. I almost filled up the car with dusty im having my allergy (colds and hiccups) as i write this. At long last! Im reunited with my agenda is how am I gonna fix them in my room? Got to build a mini office. "one step at a time.."'s now 5am...and got to sleep. Achoooo! Sneeze sneeze... :)

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