Friday, March 25, 2011


A writer is a writer and nobody can interfere nor hinder one from writing.... A new blog that is!after : I've decided and convinced myself to create one, as thoughts can no longer fit in my facebook and twitter account... Some 'stalkers' and self-labelled skippers (which i doubt) are complaining coz of my numerous status updates..hehehe maybe they just dont have the heart to delete me so as not to see anything anymore...and the feeling is mutual as I to, dont have the heart to block them as well. Hopefully, with this new blog..I will be able to share stories about the places I've been too and blessed to visit, my personal and friend's recommendations of food and drinks, books I've read and planning to have in my collection, the love and pains, the risk and the gains, the dream and achievements, the life and celebration of it...Im hopin' to inspire and entertain others including but not limited to happy,sad,positive,negative,crazy,depressed,lethargic and bored souls out there, in one way or another :p

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