Saturday, December 3, 2011 fave!

I first fell in love with Crepe when I was in Germany. After office, I would go to Christmas Market to buy one (and sometimes two). I love Nutella Crepe...just plain and simple Crepe with Nutella, no strawberries or anything...Just Nutella and it's really to die for. They sell it at EUR 3.00 per servings.

But I must admit, the yummiest was from Mannheim. They are serving it with crispy wafer. It's hot and it's just so perfect with the cold weather. Afterwards, I have never tasted a crepe at par to that of Mannheim's. I could say, it's simply the best crepe ever!

Waffles at the street.

Generous pieces of belgian waffles are being sold at the chocolate street in Brussels...with Nutella, with creams, with strawberries or bananas...yummy to look at and even to nibble. By the looks of it...i already got full. It is just fascinating to see that they could really be sold outside the window and at the side of streets.

Once in a Chocolate Street...

Definitely going gaga with all those chocolates. It was like a chocolate village where every turns I made, all I could see were chocolates. I felt like a child. I got confused which one to pick.

In every store you'll get a generous free taste of chocolates of all sort...pralines, truffles, milk chocolates, dark chocolates...and the likes. By the time I moved to the second store, I could no longer figure out the difference. It was as if my taste buds waived its privilege.

Below is where I bought all my pralines and truffles for my family and friends. I got them at a promo price. :))

Below is a picture of a huge chocolate mannequin...i almost wanted to bite it haha!! :))

As they say, Chocolates are natural anti-depressant. It has serotonin which stimulates endorphin production, which creates feelings of happiness and pleasure. Making chocolate in the mouth produces feelings of pleasure longer than passionate kissing. And so I wonder how the people in Belgium feel everyday haha!! :) I guess, they must be very Happy! :))

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hotel De Milan

I know it's funny that Hotel de Milan is actually in France....shouldnt it be at Italy? hehe
That was actually my first reaction too.
I was not able to get a picture of the hotel...too bad. (i'll try to google it one of these days..)
It's just a small hotel/ the price of EUR 90.00 (that wasnt cheap come to think of it) with free breakfast (not bad) and with a very accommodating hotel owner.
I stayed there with my good friend Marlon. We shared a bed to save money.
**Marlon is harmless, just for emphasis because his interest is just like mine hehehe.

We literally, rent the place for sleep for we had to utilize our limited time in Paris. When we checked in, we just left our bags and went straight ahead to Eiffel Tower. The next day, we just had our breakfast and went to Louvre Museum, had our shopping...then off to eurail to go back to Frankfurt.

The place isnt comparable with our five star is far away from that. It is too small, just plain bed and restroom...but with a fascinating view from the window.

You'd see the unique architecture of Paris.
For me looking at the window was enough to tell myself..."Im out somewhere...Im in my dream!"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

...coming to strength

It is only when you let loose from your self-made security, you will be able to see what you are capable of [doing and having].

Sometimes, we need to let go of the things that makes us secured...we need to take a step farther from our comfort zone...not to go against ourselves...but to go after to our so called 'Growth'.
Taking a risk is both a personal and spiritual journey, because as we risk, we dont only trust ourselves that things will be better than yesterday....but we are also putting our trust to the Lord.

You are each day courageous than you were before. You are each day becoming positive in the way you perceive life...than you were the other day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It was past 11pm when my friend based in Singapore
found a place where I could stay, since my friend who's supposed to go with me backed out.
So I was packing my things until 3am in the morning. That was the first time I packed a very light luggage, coz I didn't intend to check in any bags at all.
Though, it wasn't my first time to take the plane alone (as did that lot of times in the past so I was kinda confident and enjoying the flight), it was my first time to explore another country all by myself.
At 5pm, I touched down Changi airport...that was after few minutes rechecking of my bag by the immigration officers..because they're seeing something from their device....only to find out it was just a ref magnet from China given to me by a friend which I just put inside my pouch and apparently forgot about it.

The place was a small room in a small residential unit in Tampines St. In a room there were 3 double decks, all occupants were filipino ladies working in Singapore and some were looking for jobs at that time.
Since I didn't have the means to afford hotel I took the space. Luckily, my roommates were all kind, not to mention the owner (Auntie Suzie) as well.

First Day:

I met up with my college batchmate, Judy. I took the metro going to Tanjong pagar where Judy resides.

There's this food outlet very famous in Singapore that caters very affordable price but good food --Hawkers.

It was my first time to try Sing's local food for a cheap price of 2 sgd. Well that's my first and last cheap meal.

We went to holland village area, central, Clark quay, Merlion's, Marina Bay, Chimes etc...and had coffee at Starbucks courtesy of Judy.
The funny thing was that i forgot to bring a camera. So I had to bear with the resolution of my the fact that it was running out of battery that time! This was all because I chose to bring my laptop, my itouch and my books!!!!

On my way home I met few filipinos who were also roaming around. So we exchanged contacts, in case I wanted to join them the next day.
I reached the unit around past 11pm. I took the mrt then cab.

Second Day:

I woke up past 9am with achy bone, maybe because I got tried from walking with my heavy big bag.
I had a short chitchats with the ladies and free coffee in the morning.
I took the bus this time going to mrt.
Singapore is very much like Philippines, because of the weather. But I must admit that (in my opinion) it's a lot cleaner and more safe (in terms of theft and the like).
I appreciate and admire their transportation system. It is very much European (same thing I like much about the European countries I was blessed to visit).
One thing I've noticed in their MRT, is that they have this glass door that serves as a wall. Impressive because they dont need to remind passengers to stay away from the yellow tiles, for instance in our country, for safety....because they already secured the safety to begin with. The glass wall has sliding doors that opens only once the train door opens. So it's really very safe.

Singapore is an open country so you could really see alot of nationalities there, Malays, Indians, Filipinos, Chinese, Western and (even) European tourist...apart from the Singaporean Nationals.

I had my lunch at Bugis Mall...all because I was starving already and I have no patience to explore for some restaurant so I just thought of stopping over the nearest mall I could see.

When i gathered my strength, I went to the Mall near Intercon....then Bugis Market. The latter was like Philippines' "Quiapo or Divisoria or Binondo"...and since I'm always fascinated with anything oriental/chinese this caused me huge smile...and I guess my feet were happy too.
I bought jelly watches and foods for pasalubongs...I bought Metallic plate souveniers to add in my travel collections.
There were so many Durians in Bugis...I was having this feeling that it stuck in my skin.
They have this tricycle that looks like ancient times chinese carriage...oh I love it! I even asked the driver to take a picture of me. I found out later that the driver was a Cebuano.
Then I walked further, trying to look for preserved foods for pasalubong when I saw the way to the temple. There's this big Buddha outside before getting the vicinity of the I asked passer by to take a picture of me.
As I explore further I've noticed that infront the Buddhist's temple there were lots of fortune tellers. I chose the two Indian ladies at the side of the temple...
Indians are Hindus so it got my curiousity how they perform fortune the fact that a week before I went to Singapore I had a weird dream that I was in India and having fortune telling with Indian ladies.
They have a bird with them...looks like a parrot, that will choose a card for you. They will pray with insense and let the smoke go to you. (So imagine how I smell that day...Durian plus Market the odor from the passengers in mrt...then insense.)
The Indian lady will read the message and the other Indian lady will interpret or translate it in english.
For 3 sgd i had a very positive and motivating reading.
I didnt have the chance to go further inside the temple because the security saw me taking pictures...he said it's not allowed.

I didnt want to waste time so I really told myself that I would utilize hello Harborfront! :)
On my way to Harborfront I met two filipino nurses who coincidentally would also go to the Sentosa beach. So I joined them....few chitchats and pictures.
I left earlier because I wanted to go to Universal Studios as well...given that I have very few hours left before I met up with my commitment.
I managed to have lots of pictures by asking passersby.

Thereafter, I went to Orchard to meet up with Judy and Jen. Im thankful that they took the time to be with me despite their busy schedules.
We went to Marina Bay and had our dinner.

Second day, it feels like I've been there for such a long time since I've already memorized the stations. Singapore is a small country so I had no difficulty in doing so.

Third Day/Last Day:

I went to China Town. I met this lady while I was having my lunch...Madame Monika. I asked her where's the chinese fortune teller, she was blunt in saying "Dont believe in fortune telling, believe in yourself." Sounds like not so Asian...i told myself.
She's a Singaporean but based in Germany. After exchanges of thoughts and personal background..I found myself a friend. She gave me her contacts. We had picture together...and upto now we still drop messages.
I love Singapore's chinatown...I love the people there...and the goods were the cheapest.
I went to Hindu Temple...and took picture with Indian nationals.

I met up with my friend Ting after at the Riverside. We had dinner together and drinks after at Cafe Iguana.

My flight was at 1am...and i reached the unit at 12:30am. I was really rushing! I couldnt afford to miss the flight.
Good thing I was even earlier. I took a cab.

Straight from the airport I went straight ahead to the school....with thoughts to myself.."I should travel more!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not an accident..

"God doesnt play dice in our lives. Everything that is happening in this world. happens for a purpose."

Two weeks ago, Sunday afternoon, and I was at school. The whole day I was anxious...I couldnt contain all the worries that eating me up that day. I was present but my mind was somewhere. It crossed my mind not to attend my last subject, but I brushed it off immediately as I was reminded by myself that I quit my job not to miss my class. So guilt crawled in...and so I went inside the room, wishing at the back of my mind for an earlier dismissal so I could go to church.

My Sunday class was supposed to end at 7pm...but it was only quarter to 5pm when my professor adjourned it. Too early!!!
Smiled flashed on my face! "Yes! I could go to church!".
I hurried myself to catch the 5pm christian service and took the cab all the way to Makati, Church of God.
When I got there, the place was no longer occupied by the Church of God fellowship. The new occupant informed us that the fellowship has moved to a new place.

In my eagerness to hear service, I asked the cab driver to help me search the new place.
And so we asked around. When I was about to give up...I told "manong"driver to just take me to Greenbelt church if we still couldnt find the new place of Church of God. But "manong" was so persistent and positive that we could find it. When he was about to turn right towards the parking area of an office building, I told him it couldnt be there because that's an offfice establishment. He stopped for a while and called the security to verify.
There was no signage or anything that could tell me at purview. But the security guard, who was at that time engage in a cellphone convo, hand-signed us to go straight ahead.

Yes! We found it----I told myself and I couldnt even believe it!

The place is so hidden that makes it special that you're able to find it.

At the door, I asked a lady if that's the Church of God. She told me, " It's a Community of praise fellowship".

Oh no! ----yes I went to a different fellowship. Not the church of God,which I was trying to find at that time.

But because I had this urge to feed my soul with words of God, I nevertheless, went inside.

It was a small group compared to the previous Christian fellowship I had the occasion to attend to. So when I got inside, I was easily noticed by the people. I took the third row and seated beside an old lady. I took my first gut and brushed my shyness away.

It was already in the preaching session when I arrived.
It was so cleared to me ....that I was there because God wanted me to hear the preaching. I guess that's the message He wanted to tell me...

Let me share some vivid preaching I was able to absorb;

"You are precious and your life matters to God."
"Operate in His resources" (He will provide, do not be afraid to ask...even the impossible)
"He will mess your plan but He will never mess your life"
"God is likened to a retainer, that no matter how crooked your life is if God is there...He can turn it straight.."

I was close to crying...these are the words I know I needed to hear that time.

When the pastor called those who wanted to be prayed...I had the urge to come in front. But since I was just new in the group, I was hesitant. But the pastor was very persistent in asking because according to him he felt that there's someone who wanted and needed the prayer that time.

Few more ask from the pastor...few more wish there would be someone who'd take the first step so I could follow.
When I saw a lady coming in front...I took the guts and went there as well. That time that's what I really needed.

Upto now Im still so proud I took the courage.

Pastor come over and put his hand on top of my head. I closed my eyes...and he started to pray.
I couldnt contain the emotions that wanted to burst out from my inside....
and so I let out fountain of tears.

At that time I felt that God was talking to me through the Pastor...I felt God consoling me...and assuring me that I'm never alone.
God has His plans and visions for me....and I was reminded that moment.

I was crying because in my mind, I know I became oblivious about it again. I have been through some rocky and crooked roads...I had asked and bargained second chance to God, He gave it to me....but I have forgotten to value that again.

I was crying because I felt God's love...that He took the effort to remind save me again....and to give me another chance.
Our God is a God that never get tired. He never given up on me...on us.

I went home with new friends....

I went home with a refreshed soul...with a new Spirit....and revised Hope.

There was no Accident...I was there because God wanted me to be there....
I was there because God knows that's the best way to save my soul...
That He wanted to remind me how beautiful my life promising His plans for me....and how abundant my blessings are.
...and most importantly That I am Loved by Him.
Good is so good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I've realized that I'm so much songs in my ipod, some of which I haven't been able to listen to.
It was one of the best buy I had in 2009...
I got the following genre so far;
Rock and Pop
New age
Christian songs
And Standard
....Shows that I have all sorts...just good for whatever mood iam in. :-)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Grandest Place in Belgium

The Grand Platz is the Central square of Bruxelles..this is the most important tourist destination and memorable landmark in Brussels aside from the Mannekin Pis.

I was amazed to see the intricate details of the fascade of the church (at my back). A combination of Gothic and Baroque style.

Eurail's Complimentary Chocs

That's Eurail's complimentary chocolates going to Brussels, Belgium, where the "chocolate Mannequin" is. It may look like a box of medicine at first glance, but really the pralines tasted so good!!! Two is not enough.
At my Left are my Eurail Ticket, Map and Train's sched. At my left? Ow of course a cup of cappuccino, I just bought at Hautbanhof(Central Station) before getting on the train,to start the day right...Infront of me is my friend Marlon, likewise taking a pic.

Off to Paree...the classic me

Break it down:

1. Zara's Knitted white short sleeves turtle neck

2. Animal print belt bought on sale at a local generic mall

3. Zara's Long Black Cardigan

4. Pink Manila's White Sleeveless dress with satin ruffles short A-line skirt, which was bought at the biggest local flea market

5. Black Stockings

6. Black Velvet knee-high boots with heels, which was bought at a local mall

7. Zara's Black Big Bag

8 And Vintage danggling earrings to complete...

Paulo Coelho's Shirt @ MANGO

As a fanatic, I got this limited edition of Paulo Coelho's Statement T-Shirt at MANGO for php1250.00.....almost a year ago. I love this shirt [aside from the fact that i am a self-confessed Paulo C avid fan] coz of its color,texture and that the letters are in velvet *something, though I seldom wear it.

I love the statement which says that if we want something the universe will help us to get it...soo positive and motivating. Dream is a matter of faith- faith in getting it...and faith in oneself.

I first encountered this phrase, in Paulo's best selling Book "The Alchemist". That inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a lawyer oneday...that all the other things are not hindrance in getting our matter how impossible it may seem to be. That book also encouraged me to read and collect Paulo Coelho's other books. Funny that I dont have a copy [of Alchemist] upto now. I bought one but I gave it to a friend, on his Birthday...think,way back 2004.

On Shirt: I regret that I only got one...ive realized lately, I should have gotten atleast two or three of his limited Shirts. Or maybe I will just hope, MANGO would release another Paulo Coelho's shirt collection....then, I would buy two with out any feel of guilt! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011 next to pimples :(

Growing pimples all over my face aren't funny anymore...Bad joke! I never wanted to be a walking Pimple...who would want to anyways?? As I work hard for my process...I've realized I am too..working hard for these uninvited, unwelcomed, undesired zits usurping on my pitiful face. :'( Darn! I wanted to prick them all...abort them and deprive them of their little lives... But I can not put the authority to take them away on my hands. I might just jeopardize it all the more. I BADLY NEED a dermatological intervention!!! I fear those yellow thingie on its eye... The reflection of the mirror begins to give me goosebumps,if not stress. Please be so kind....stay away from me....give me future. The cluster of bumps? so spooky....I feel murdered. Why me? Oh why?? And yes..there are impending fears me all the more. I wish they would change their minds and transfer somewhere else....hope not on me...not on any part of my body. Hope they're sensitive enough to feel that they are not wanted here...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Starbucks Faves...

All time buddy during sleepless nights of reading and relaxing.. Cappuccino with Hazelnut. I honestly can't recall how I've come to know and love i discovered that adding and requesting hazelnut would make my cappuccino all the more perfect.

I love mozarella sandwich especially when served warm. I love the rubber like mozarella..and the after taste of basil. Just yum!...another company during morning hours in Starbucks.

Iam as well a fanatic of teas..Antioxidant just like coffee, soothing and relaxing. Just right to end a very stressful night. I also discovered its healing wonder. A grande of mint tea works for me whenever i have impending sore throat... I love English/black tea with milk. For the mint tea, I simply love it with honey.

Heaven on Earth! >>>yeah its name just fits its taste. A real heaven. Normally, I would have it with tea rather than coffee. It is just sad that a serving isnt enough for my amazing/deceiving apetite. Also, I love the hearts design on cute. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Melange and Sacher Torte

Melange and Sacher Torte...I still crave for these authentic Viennesse. Being a coffee lover that I am, it was no surprise that I've fallen in love easily to Melange- Coffee with milk...or Vienna's version of Cafe Latte, the first time I took a sip. A cup or two is just perfect to the cold weather. It isn't too sweet..isnt too strong...and the aroma just makes you awake and make you want to make the most of the day. The Sacher Torte, on the other hand, is simply adorable and a slice of it is heaven. Good that I got the treat from my friends during my short stay....and that made it all the more perfect! :)

Live merry-go-round in Mannheim

This is one of those new,if not eccentric, things I've discovered/witnessed in one of my weekend trips in Germany. A live and literal merry-go-round in Mannheim Germany. Just wow! I couldnt help but to stop and I took picture of this cute girl riding a REAL horse that goes around the carousel. This was of course new to me, as I am just used to seeing manmade horses, usually wooden-colorfully painted and mounted on posts...moving up and down while rotating. But to see real ones...that was just amazing.

Bratwurst in one xmas party

I took this during the christmas party in Frankfurt. I forgot the name of the place...but it was like a huge Restaurant, cozy, with dim and yellow lights. Outside, it's fascade is made of bricks but inside it was very posh. Lots of mirror in the washroom...there were blue lights around. Our reservation is at the second floor (last floor), where you can have the view of barrel decor at the ground floor. After the stairs, there's a dressing room at the right side where people could hang their coats and scurfs, of course as usual there's heater inside.

[I am always fascinated to see guys at trench coats, my boss and colleagues looked good in their black coats and scurfs.]

Wines and beers were overflowing...however, this (picture) was the only food I found for myself. Most of the foods were sausages, potatoes, creams puffs, yoghurt, and some other stuffs Iam not familiar with and wouldnt want to try. So I contented myself with all fairness, it was good. But of course, I tried every beer available. When my boss started to discuss the history of those beers, I started becoming tipsy. I wanted to end the conversation and shift it to another one, but out of courtesy of course I didnt and bear with the story while my mind was away..thinking of something else.

It was a very short celebration, no programs, no speech...just literal dinner.

When we adjourned, the snow was starting to fall and I kept my excitement till my group was left alone walking towards the Bahnhof (train station). I was hopping and giggling to see those white flakes from the dimmed sky. Like a child...enjoying every palms facing the sky :)

"The Kiss" (Der Kuss)

This is a funny story I brought with me from Vienna, Austria. When I visited Cai and Tope in Wien, we had so many comedic signs shared and formulated...and one of which is "The Kiss magnet". As 'agreed', whoever chooses this magnet (from among my souvenier gifts to friends and colleagues..)is the sign which says"he is the one". Haha! I dont know what came in to our minds...maybe it was just the weather speaking...or perhaps, my friends are just so concern, if not too desperate for me to get my pair. According to Wikipedia, "The Kiss" was painted by Gustav Klimt, and is probably his most famous work. He began work on it in 1907 and it is the highpoint of his so-called 'Golden Period'. It depicts a couple, in various shades of gold and symbols, sharing a kiss against a bronze background. It is now at the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere. Overheard, that in this gallery, couples who visited this would kiss infront of the painting and would end up together.....(this one must be just a myth...) So there I was wishing to go back to Vienna, with the perfect pair...Cai as another crazy soul would tolerate my thoughts and concur to that effect. To end the story, nobody selected this magnet. It is still inside my tin box...hopeful and waiting for a perfect owner. :)

Second glimpse...of SNOW

Was playing around, think this was the last day of my stay in Frankfurt (December 2009)...and just enjoying the second glimpse of snow. Was flaberrgasted! :) From my window (second floor) I was fascinated to the view of snow covering almost the entire streets. It wasnt there the night before i sleep..and when I woke up the morning after...snow was starting to pile up... :) That's the Signage of Arabella...That's where I stayed. And whenever I make recollection, the distinct smell of that building would always make it more different... It has a smell that says, you're home outside your home. Waiting for the tram...striking a stiff pose. It was freezing cold. Saying goodbye to Frankfurt and to Arabella apartment...was some sort of mixed emotions at that time...too excited to go home and meet my family and friends whom I missed. A lil sad, that the experience was over. But grateful for such a blessing....and a lil anxious about the new task. But the snow covered all those uncertain emotions...and meantime made me like a child..playful and stressfree. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The art of book arranging...

I basically spent the entire day fixing my lawschool stuffs...the books made me "achooo" alot...It was tiring...sorting papers and old stuffs...which one to keep and which one to trash. As much I would want to keep everything again...However, I dont want to sleep in a room of junk. I was very tired, that in the afternoon I fell asleep while sitting on the couch after snacks. I woke up in the evening without taking my dinner...determined to finish everything. I must be proud (Kudos to myself!!Yipeee) that I was able to finish fixing my room, my books and my other stuffs. Looking at them now...I am proud of myself.

The Paulo Coelho's collections are in place,

the self-help and motivational books are likewise in placed and altogether,

the Filipino published books and the biographies are well categorized... and to put a lil touch of me....I put the huge B&W 1930's pic in the middle (a space in between of books) and the miniature of eiffel tower I bought in Paris, the Snowballs I bought in Vienna and Germany...and the 3 cute woodie colorful picture holder (used to be a display at my workstation).Oh the little snowman (given by a colleague in Frankfurt) is also there.
Near the Snowball and miniature Eiffel tower, and my vintage traveler's notebook with an eiffel tower design, are my Oxford Thesaurus and English Idioms books. Surprisingly,they still look new, though I have been using them for more than 6 years now. The purple book beside my Dark Blue Civil Law Codal is my BIBLE. A word of God is always a strength and motivation. Also,in the picture are the Snowball and Miniature of Vatican City. The codals are colorfully lawbooks. The tin can is a gift from Frankfurt by officemates. This used to be a biscuit can, which I now turned into post-its and higlighters can. The purple paper-pot with bear holding my name is my post it container...that used to be at my workstation...i brought it home.

On the other side are the cases and photocopies and book binds, I sorted from dusty boxes....that gave me this colds. On the other shelf,there I put all my law books...which should be increased in this coming months...By now, Im thinking where I will put those 'coming' books. Then I put the Sto. Nino I bought in Cebu (as suggested by my Mother)...this Sto.Nino is a supposed gift to the best of an 'old friend'. The sky blue frame, with my pic on it is a goodbye gift from former officemates way back CIC days. It has all their dedications and well wishes when I resigned in Carrier. One of those precious gifts I received. When Im depressed I would just looke at it and get motivated easily...:)

After the tiring day, a warm shower is always a relieved...It makes me feel fresh and I guess...sleepy. Hopin' that the coffee I drank few hours ago wont kick in. But I guess I had a productive day....I can now go to sleep with a smile...:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

4days and 4months...

Towards way home, I thought of getting my books from the dorm...and so I took my chance and asked the driver if I could drop by the old apartment as I had to pick up my stuffs...and that it would only take few minutes. He said it was fine. There's a guard (sleeping outside the building)..hmmm...something new as we dont had it until first quarter of this year due to some hold-uping incidents. And there was 'manong guard' interrogating me...I was patient, though Im kinda tired and all I wanted to do was to run upstairs and get whatever books I could take. I almost filled up the car with dusty im having my allergy (colds and hiccups) as i write this. At long last! Im reunited with my agenda is how am I gonna fix them in my room? Got to build a mini office. "one step at a time.."'s now 5am...and got to sleep. Achoooo! Sneeze sneeze... :)

Walking in the dark...God is my light

5days and 4months... Time flies so fast. I have no idea what awaits me after DB...but im keeping my faith, for I know God has a plan and a promise. After Deutsche Bank I know there will be opportunity loses...Money and the prestige that comes after the company name... But i am doing this for my dream. Hard decision to give up something in exchange of another. But that is life, you have to make a choice and a firm decision to keep up with that choice. God knows how much I wanted Lawyering as a profession and through the years I have sacrificed alot just to get it...just to have it. People around me may not understand why...and I am not obliged to explain every little soul...for now. My intentions are definitely unselfish. Few more days and months to is just so strange that I am more excited for my last day to come and start a day as a full time student, rather than getting edgy and anxious that after my last day I will be unemployed. I know all these confidence is coming from God. As Cai would say, I would know if it is a decision with God's blessings if I feel happy about my choice rather than regretful. I want to give my best shot this time around...and nail the course...and top the Bar. Something inside me is wanting to soar high...God is good and im holding on to Him...I cast to Him everything.

Stairs of Vatican City

This stair is so meaningful to me... I have no idea why I used to see a spiral stair in one of those vivid and weird dreams. Come 2009, Sometime in November...I was blessed to visit the Vatican City in Rome, Italy. Just the usual amateur traveller that I am...Every angle and pieces was just jaw dropping and all I could just say was "Oh My Gosh!!" as if endless of I ran out of articulate words to describe my awe-ness. While falling in line, as instructed by the Italian tourist guide, I turned to my left and just like in any other movie (as if the camera focused downstairs) the people around me blurred out and time stopped for a moment maybe so that I could see it to my eyes the stairs that usually appears in my dreams was meeting me in person......then my mind said: "so it was the Vatican's stairs...I didnt know! I didnt know!...MAGNIFICO!!". Immediately I took a picture of it, upside down, left,! click!...too blurred...a little blurred...and believe it or not...this is the nicest shot. I was wishing I have atleast a hightech DSLR just to capture it...

And yes! I forgot to have myself in the picture. Then, the tourist shouted...we're about to go.

"Yes, it's started in a dream...

...and everything else is possible" :)


A writer is a writer and nobody can interfere nor hinder one from writing.... A new blog that is!after : I've decided and convinced myself to create one, as thoughts can no longer fit in my facebook and twitter account... Some 'stalkers' and self-labelled skippers (which i doubt) are complaining coz of my numerous status updates..hehehe maybe they just dont have the heart to delete me so as not to see anything anymore...and the feeling is mutual as I to, dont have the heart to block them as well. Hopefully, with this new blog..I will be able to share stories about the places I've been too and blessed to visit, my personal and friend's recommendations of food and drinks, books I've read and planning to have in my collection, the love and pains, the risk and the gains, the dream and achievements, the life and celebration of it...Im hopin' to inspire and entertain others including but not limited to happy,sad,positive,negative,crazy,depressed,lethargic and bored souls out there, in one way or another :p